insightful in-depth reviews

In the age of musical adaptations, it’s understandable to be skeptical about one of the most enduring young adult properties coming to the stage. However, The Outsiders feels completely original, and re-invents itself for Broadway. The result is an innovative and marvelous telling of a classic story with brilliant staging, an energetic cast, and the best music of the season. The Outsiders is a book many of us read in school as teenagers. It tells the story of Ponyboy Curtis, a 14-year-old boy in 1967 Tulsa, Oklahoma who finds community after the death of his parents in a gang called the Greasers.…

Suffs stirs the soul on Broadway

Some art entertains, some art educates, and occasionally you get a fantastic confluence where a show does both tremendously well. Suffs, the new Broadway musical about the history of the women’s suffrage movement, accomplishes the mission of delivering a heartfelt and personal story while also educating us better than many history classes. Shaina Taub, the creator/composer/lyricist/librettist/star of this musical, has managed to take vital history and deliver it in a beautiful story of women’s resilience and action. Suffs, now playing at the Music Box Theatre, tells the story of suffragist leaders in the fight to pass the 19th Amendment, giving women the…

Creativity thrives in Tick, Tick...Boom! at Theatre Horizon

Theatre Horizon has done it again. As they’ve done so many times since its founding in 2005 by Erin Reilly and Matthew Decker, Theatre Horizon has brought some of the brightest talent in the region to Norristown and let them flourish creatively. Tick, Tick…Boom! at Theatre Horizon is a must-see production led by co-director Steve Pacek and a terrific cast of Robi Hager, Elena Camp, and Angel Sigala. Tick, Tick…Boom! is an autobiographical musical from Jonathan Larson, the creator behind the smash hit, Rent. It takes place the week leading up to his 30th birthday as he struggles to break through in the theater…

The Lehman Trilogy brings captivating history to Philadelphia

Most of us only know Lehman Brothers as a greedy bank that didn’t get bailed out in the 2008 financial crisis and shut down, but there was so much more to their history. The Lehman Trilogy, playing now at The Arden Theatre, tells the epic story that turned 3 poor, Jewish, immigrant brothers into an American institution of capitalism, and eventually into nothing. The Lehman Trilogy was written by Stefano Massini, an Italian playwright who tapped in to the pathos of a deeply American story and went on to win a Tony Award for Best Play in 2022. Henry, Emanuel,…

From The Publisher

The Cultural Critic is where thoughtful readers turn for in-depth reviews of artistic events and travel experiences. Our aim is to cover a wide range throughout every category. From theater and music critiques to travel and sporting experiences, The Cultural Critic is your destination for the most comprehensive reviews. We are proud to have as our lead critic, Corey Cohen.

Geoffrey Dobrien, Publisher

Painting, architecture and other visual art. A list of highlights from our two decades of coverage. Read More

Notable books on all subjects, with an emphasis on the arts. A list of highlights from our two decades of… Read More

Orchestral, opera and chamber music in live performance and on recordings. A list of highlights from our two decades of… Read More

Musical and spoken stage performances. A list of highlights from our two decades of coverage. Read More

In-depth descriptions of journeys with an emphasis on cultural experiences in each place. A list of highlights from our two… Read More