The Outsiders flourishes in Broadway adaptation

In the age of musical adaptations, it’s understandable to be skeptical about one of the most enduring young adult properties coming to the stage. However, The Outsiders feels completely original, and re-invents itself for Broadway. The result is an innovative and marvelous telling of a classic story with brilliant staging, an…

Suffs stirs the soul on Broadway

Some art entertains, some art educates, and occasionally you get a fantastic confluence where a show does both tremendously well. Suffs, the new Broadway musical about the history of the women’s suffrage movement, accomplishes the mission of delivering a heartfelt and personal story while also educating us better than many history classes. Shaina Taub, the creator/composer/…

Creativity thrives in Tick, Tick…Boom! at Theatre Horizon

Theatre Horizon has done it again. As they’ve done so many times since its founding in 2005 by Erin Reilly and Matthew Decker, Theatre Horizon has brought some of the brightest talent in the region to Norristown and let them flourish creatively. Tick, Tick…Boom! at Theatre Horizon is a must-see production led by co-director Steve Pacek and a …

Other THEATER Stories:
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            [description] => Painting, architecture and other visual art. A list of highlights from our two decades of coverage.
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            [description] => Notable books on all subjects, with an emphasis on the arts. A list of highlights from our two decades of coverage.
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            [description] => Orchestral, opera and chamber music in live performance and on recordings. A list of highlights from our two decades of coverage.
            [parent] => 0
            [count] => 130
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            [name] => THEATER
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            [description] => Musical and spoken stage performances. A list of highlights from our two decades of coverage.
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Painting, architecture and other visual art. A list of highlights from our two decades of coverage. Read More

Notable books on all subjects, with an emphasis on the arts. A list of highlights from our two decades of… Read More

Orchestral, opera and chamber music in live performance and on recordings. A list of highlights from our two decades of… Read More

Musical and spoken stage performances. A list of highlights from our two decades of coverage. Read More

In-depth descriptions of journeys with an emphasis on cultural experiences in each place. A list of highlights from our two… Read More