Stagecraft mastered at Life of Pi

Life of Pi tells the story of one boy trapped on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger in the middle of the Pacific Ocean for 227 days. It’s hard to imagine, particularly after seeing the film, how they could create this on the stage, but what they delivered is inspiring.…

Six reigns in Philadelphia

The international smash hit Six is finally in Philadelphia and lives up to the hype. Six tells the story of the six wives of King Henry VIII through a concert format. This one-act show gives each of the six women a chance to tell their story and how they were treated poorly by their husband and …

Some Like It Hot, a fresh classic

The Academy Award-winning movie Some Like It Hot is a classic and very much a product of its time. It took place in 1929, shortly before musical movies like 42nd Street became smash hits. It was released in 1959, when the biggest musical on Broadway was The Music Man with its large ensemble and …

Other THEATER Stories:
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            [description] => Painting, architecture and other visual art. A list of highlights from our two decades of coverage.
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            [description] => Notable books on all subjects, with an emphasis on the arts. A list of highlights from our two decades of coverage.
            [parent] => 0
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            [description] => Orchestral, opera and chamber music in live performance and on recordings. A list of highlights from our two decades of coverage.
            [parent] => 0
            [count] => 130
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            [term_id] => 5
            [name] => THEATER
            [slug] => theater
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 5
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            [description] => Musical and spoken stage performances. A list of highlights from our two decades of coverage.
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Painting, architecture and other visual art. A list of highlights from our two decades of coverage. Read More

Notable books on all subjects, with an emphasis on the arts. A list of highlights from our two decades of… Read More

Orchestral, opera and chamber music in live performance and on recordings. A list of highlights from our two decades of… Read More

Musical and spoken stage performances. A list of highlights from our two decades of coverage. Read More

In-depth descriptions of journeys with an emphasis on cultural experiences in each place. A list of highlights from our two… Read More